Judy, why should I take this with you?
After all, there are hundreds of EMDR trainers out there. I get it. How do you make sense of all the offers? There are a number of reasons why I think my training is a good choice.
I have trained all over the country and internationally for the Francine Shapiro EMDR Institute
This training includes consultation and mentoring
The manual and training materials I use for my training were all written and developed by Francine Shapiro.
Prior to becoming a therapist I was a teacher. Not only do I understand the material, I know how to teach it
I was a theater person so I strive to engage my audience. Not putting people to sleep whether in person or over Zoom is important. No one likes a snooze fest!
If we can’t have a little fun and a few laughs why bother? This is a training about how to help people who have suffered. It is heavy enough.